GEARDOWN the podcast

GearDown - Women in Freight w/Bree Davern

Benny Mac Season 1 Episode 5

This episode we speak with Bree Davern who is a Top Woman to Watch  in Transportation who has seen and done it all.  In the words of Sam Walton: 'I Have always been driven to buck the system, to innovate, to take things beyond where they've been.'

A Logistics executive who has, as her LinkedIn bio states;  Proven leadership experience in account management, customer service, and business planning.

Self-starter with strong start-up experience and skill for procedure creation. Passionate about streamlining processes, increasing productivity, reducing costs, and developing employees. Broad management experience coaching and developing management through entry-level employees, both onsite and remote.

Excited and motivated by change, challenge, and collaboration.

And frankly as this interviewer would elaborate by saying...Bree is one bad ass woman logistics professional!

"Let's us know how we're are doing, or if you have an episode idea."